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Sealing of double glazed windows - problems and solutions

Sealing of double glazed windows – problems and solutions

Etansarea ferestrelor termopan

Sealing double glazed windows

Sealing double glazed windows is a topic of great interest especially during this period, with the arrival of the cold. But how many of you know how important the sealing of double-glazed windows is and how to solve possible window sealing defects?

Starting from the premises of choosing PVC joinery, we come to a single conclusion about how we influence our purchase decision: we choose double-glazed windows primarily due to the fact that they are good thermal insulators because we do not want cold or heat to penetrate inside our home. . Their design, color and more

But what do we do in the situation where, after purchase and installation, there are problems sealing the double glazed windows?

The problems related to the sealing of double-glazed windows appear mainly due to the choice of lower quality profiles and/or faulty installation. For this reason, we recommend choosing quality PVC profiles as well as choosing a team of professionals for the execution of the assembly – so you will benefit from a guarantee of the work so that any problems related to adjustments can be remedied free of charge.

From this point of view, ADAM Design assumes the responsibility of a quality assembly, offering you a 5-year work guarantee.




How is the sealing of double-glazed windows?

The sealing of double-glazed windows is done with the help of sealing gaskets that have the role of preventing the penetration of cold air in winter as well as heat in summer. This sealing gasket plays a very important role so that even a small problem with this part can have repercussions that can lead to the formation of condensation and energy inefficiency, due to the hot or cold air that enters the home.

Don’t forget: an optimal sealing of the double-glazed windows will also prevent the appearance of humidity inside the house, one of the causes of the condensation of double-glazed windows!


Causes that lead to a defective sealing of double glazed windows

Some of the most common causes of a faulty seal occur over time and are related to gasket wear. The double-glazed window seals, even if they are made of particularly elastic rubber materials, can undergo certain changes. These changes occur mainly due to weather conditions such as frost, thawing, or solar radiation.

This phenomenon is also called “premature aging” and can be prevented with the help of special substances that protect the gasket from external factors.

Another cause of poor sealing of double glazed windows is related to hardware. As it is well known, the hardware ensures the mobility of the double-glazed window but also it’s sealing. As a result, if one of the hardware elements has changed its initial position in an incorrect window, the window does not close optimally, and sealing problems occur.

Also, the hinges of the double-glazed windows also have an important role from the point of view of sealing. How? If you notice that they have changed their functionality, have weakened or broken down, sealing problems will certainly occur.

Therefore, regular maintenance of PVC joinery will extend the life of double-glazed windows.

How do you check if there are problems with the sealing of double glazed windows?

The simplest way you can test if the double glazed window closes tightly is the paper sheet test. Yes, a simple sheet of paper will tell you if you have sealing problems.

How do you do this?

Simple: place the sheet of paper on the window frame and close the window by catching the sheet of paper between the frame and the window. If the sheet of paper comes out easily when you try to remove it, then there are problems sealing the double-glazed windows and all you have to do is turn to a specialized team, such as the ADAM Design teams!


What type of gaskets should we choose for an optimal seal?

From the moment of purchase, ask what type of gaskets will be mounted on the PVC / Aluminum paneling. For an optimal seal, it is recommended to choose gaskets resistant especially to extreme temperatures, both in the cold and hot season. In addition, with the installation, you should be offered a guarantee regarding the double-glazed window seals.

ADAM Design offers a 5-year installation guarantee so that any problem that arises during this period will be solved without additional costs.

The first sign that the window sills are starting to lose their properties is the black marks they leave. In addition, the hardware plays a very important role, in case it fails, it will implicitly lead to a deterioration of the gasket.


Solutions to the tightness problems of double-glazed windows?

For a good functioning of the double glazed windows, it is advisable to carry out periodic revisions in which to check all the elements of the carpentry: gaskets, hardware or hinges.

If it is found that there are major defects, call specialists. The durability and energy efficiency of double-glazed windows depend very much on the quality of the chosen PVC / Aluminum profile and especially on impeccable execution of the installation.

If you want optimal energy efficiency of your home, choose quality PVC profiles!

ADAM Design offers a wide range of products: PVC/Aluminum windows and doors, accessories for PVC carpentry (window sills, blinds, shutters, awnings, mosquito nets, etc.). Regarding the quality of the profiles we work with for making PVC joinery, we use only the latest generation Salamander bluEvolution, VEKA, Gealan profiles, or the Romanian Ramplast profiles. For more complex structures, office buildings, panoramic facades, we offer BALKAN or Alumil Aluminum profiles. Each order is customized according to the preferences and needs of our customers!





Are you a manufacturer or do you sell PVC / Aluminum windows or doors? ADAM Design is looking for partners all over the country. Join us and our team for an advantageous and lasting collaboration!

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