Are you building a new house or are you simply thinking of renovating an existing one? We all get to the point where we have to choose what type of carpentry we install. After in a previous article we talked about the advantages of choosing PVC carpentry, today we set out to bring to your attention some aspects that we should take into account when choosing double glazed windows or pvc doors of our house.
First of all, we have to keep in mind that no matter what type of carpentry you choose, this is a long-term investment – you just don’t change your house carpentry every year, do you? So, do a little documentation on this topic and allocate an adequate budget for the investment. Usually manufacturers have solutions for all pockets, demands or tastes, so regardless of the budget you have allocated to this investment you will find a suitable offer.
PVC windows are among the most sought after of all PVC joinery products. Thus, whether we are talking about simple double-glazed windows, or we are talking about panoramic PVC windows, balcony or with the latest closing-opening systems, as is the case of oscillating-sliding windows, in choosing them you must take into account certain aspects.
How do we choose the type of PVC joinery profile?
Choosing the type of PVC profile is the first aspect to consider when choosing the PVC windows of your home. Do not omit this step and find out about the types of profiles available on the market. In terms of quality, Salamander pvc profiles usually make a difference, offering a German quality that has proven effective over time; however, for those who want quality on a small budget, Ramplast PVC profiles can be a suitable choice and we will see below what are the characteristics of the two types of profiles we work with. In addition, we make to order PVC joinery on VEKA and Gealan profiles.
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Why is the chosen PVC profile important?
Some technical aspects that will surely influence your final decision to choose the PVC profile that will be used for windows:
- PVC profiles are differentiated by the wall thickness and this can usually vary between 3 – 7 mm; the thicker the wall, the more solid it is (durable over time) and has a higher thermal efficiency;
- PVC profiles can have 3, 4, 5 or even 6 chambers (as is the case with PVC profiles Salamander bluEvolution 82); the more rooms the PVC profiles have, the lower the thermal coefficient, thus managing to keep as much heat as possible;
- the reinforcement inside the profiles is another important feature; it must be present on the entire surface of the carpentry, with dimensions between 1 and 3 mm;
- for a correct functionality of the PVC carpentry, take into account the hardware, especially important in the quality of the openings and in the security of the closures; Salamander PVC profiles from Adam Design are manufactured with Roto brand hardware, among the best on the profile market;
- double glazing – do not neglect its choice carefully. Depending on the type of profile chosen, you can opt for 2 or 3 sheets of double-glazed windows. Also pay attention to the type of glass – there are various options on the market, but depending on your needs you can customize your request. We recommend Low-E or 4 Season type glass, models that have the ability to repel the sun during the summer while maintaining a low thermal coefficient during the cold season;
- from the point of view of protection against burglary, consider the use of a type of safety glass as well as the installation of external rollers, ideal for increasing energy efficiency;
- the color of the pvc profile is another factor in choosing the carpentry of the windows, each PVC profile having its own color palette from which you can choose depending on the design of your home. But don’t forget: the color of the PVC profile influences the final price!
Installation of double glazed windows – a key element of their functionality
Regardless of the type of PVC profile chosen or the double glazing, you must pay special attention to the installation of PVC windows. In general, the installation of double glazed windows is a key element in their functionality; therefore we recommend you to consider PVC joinery companies that also offer assembly, such as Adam Design House, which will provide a guarantee of installation for a period of 5 years.
In addition, after you have decided on the PVC carpentry company that will make the windows for your home, we recommend that you do not take the measurements yourself! Serious PVC joinery companies offer a free measurement service.
An incorrectly mounted window will bring a number of disadvantages to the way it insulates and seals. In addition, do not carry out the installation of PVC windows at the same time as other interior design (eg painting), as you will favor condensation. It would be ideal to let the moisture be removed and only then to start the execution of the works for the PVC carpentry.
Transport of PVC windows – an impediment?
An impediment most of the time when you choose your PVC joinery can be the transport of the product to the destination; we recommend that you turn to manufacturing companies such as Adam Design House, which assumes the responsibility of transporting double-glazed windows in safe conditions, having vehicles specially equipped for such a service.
Adam Design House ensures the transport of PVC joinery both in Bucharest, Ploiesti, Craiova, Constanta but also in the whole country, where we have business partners.
How do you order PVC joinery from ADAM Design House?
All you have to do is contact us by phone. 0722 967 504 or write to us at contact@adamdesign.ro and we take care of the rest – measurements, transport, and installation provided by professionals in the field of PVC carpentry!
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